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TWL Conquest Scrimmage Rules/Details

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TWL Conquest Scrimmage Rules/Details Empty TWL Conquest Scrimmage Rules/Details

Post  Admin Sat May 22, 2010 5:46 pm

Hey Modest Gamers, I need you to familairize yourself with the rules for Conquest 8v8 in TWL. We will be starting back up in this ladder within the next week. I do not have time to explain this to everyone, so just take a minute and read through this post. Be sure you understand what is going on and I can answer any question you have, but only after you have completely read this thread.

8v8 Conquest Ladder-Format:
Type of Gameplay: Conquest
Number of Maps: 1
Number of Teams: 2
Members per Roster: 20
Members per Match: 8 (6 minimum)
Rounds: 3 (Best 2 out of 3)
Friendly Fire: On
3D Spotting: Off
Vehicle Third Person: On
Crosshair: On
Kill Cam: Off
Hardcore: Off
Minimap: On
Minimap Spotting: On
Map Selection: Randomly selected by site
Side Selection: Attacking team gets round 1 side selection
Server Selection: Defending team gets server selection if both teams are capable of providing a server

-How You Win:
Matches consist of three rounds with each team playing at least one round on both sides. The attacking team will have first round side choice and then teams will switch sides for the second round*. The team with the highest score at the end of the round is the round winner.

Matches are scored based on rounds won, not total scores. Thus, the match winner will be the team who wins more rounds at the conclusion of three.

The third round does not have to be played if a team is able to win the first two rounds.

There are no limits on classes or how many of each class may be used by a team at any given time.

* For the third round, the team with the highest combined score between the first two rounds will have side choice. In the event of a tie, the defending team will take side choice.

-Round Scoring
After each round both teams should announce what they believe the final score was prior to starting the next round. Most likely the scores will not differ more than 3-5 tickets*. If both teams are not in perfect agreement, just note the differences and contiune.

Play the next round and again do the same thing. If a third round is needed take both scores, add them up, and give the winner side choice. Use the score that gives each team the highest total possible from both rounds. Usually, one team will have a significant advantage regardless of the minor discrepancies.

However, if it is a close match, and the discrepancies will place one team ahead of the other, go look at the screenshots your team has of each round. If both teams have screenshots of the same round, the one with less total tickets will take precedence.

For example, Team A took a screenshot when it was 5-2 (in favor of Team A), Team B has one of 2-1 (in favor of Team A); Team B's screenshot will be used and a +1 ticket advantage will go to Team A for that round.

If your team does not have a screenshot then the other team's screenshot will be used by default.

It is not neccesary for teams to submit their screenshots to the other team for review prior to the third round. We are working on the honor system here. However, after the match is over teams should submit screenshots claimed for scoring purposes to the other team at their request. If a team fails to do this then the other team may submit a query to the admins and then they will ask for them. Failure to provide it to the admin will result in a forfeit of the match (retroactively) and competition suspensions. If you claim to have a screenshot of the score at XX-XX then you should be 100% sure your team has one.

Screenshots should be kept no less than two weeks after a match is played. Failure to do so may result in the match being forfeited.

* If there is a difference of 12 tickets or more in what each team claims, then a screenshot should be reviewed immediately before beginning the next round. This should not take more then 5 minutes.

-Server Crashes:
In the event of a server crash during a round the round should be replayed. All previous round results will stand.

In the event of repeated server crashes (2) the other team's server, or an alternate server, should be used. The match will resume and the previously completed rounds will stand.

If one team has a 35+ ticket advantage and the other team is at or below 25 tickets when the server crashes then the round will be counted as a win for the team who was winning. Screenshots will be neccesary for proof.

-Team Captains
Teams founders are allowed to appoint a maximum of three team captains for this ladder. If we catch a team with additional captains then we will randomly remove the excess captains' status and may kick players if it becomes a persistent problem.

Posts : 120
Join date : 2010-04-02
Age : 37
Location : Houston, Texas

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